

5 Paleo Diet Online Cooking Courses

5 Paleo Diet Online Cooking Courses I’m a diabetic that struggles all the time with making the right choices for my diet. I still have a weakness for sweets but try to limit that to less than a few times a week. I look for areas to cut sugar out […]

Buying Power

Use your buying power to change the world!

Food issues seem to be exploding all around us. I knew there were people with gluten problems, stomach problems, food allergies and so forth from my experience with my middle daughter, Aryonna. She started having stomach issues around 19 years of age. It seemed to start once she left our home for […]

Vitamix Crush

Vitamix Crush

I’m a foodie from way back, back before food was cool. My passion for cooking and food has been an intense love affair since childhood. My happiest moments are in the kitchen or outside on the grill. I plan and plot my food adventures of the week, and if company or entertaining […]

Cooking With Love

Cooking From Scratch With Love

I’m grateful for having a mom that instilled the knowledge and importance of cooking from scratch with love. I know that her mom and grandma took pride in what they put on the table for their families, and I am thankful that those family values have stayed with me, my […]